Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Going Natural

I think I’m going natural…

One of the things I keep reading about going natural is that it should be chronicled and while I’m halfheartedly accepting this idea there is one thing about going natural (to date anyway) that really has me perplexed.    

When I mention that I’m considering going natural people are asking me “why?”, “What made you decided to do that?” It maked me wonder why I need a reason to go natural.  Why do I need a reason to be me?  Why do I have to justify NOT changing my appearance?  Why do I have to have a “reason” to look the way God intended me to (well minus the bushy eyebrows and mustache….He and I will talk about that at a later date)?

 No one asked me why….. when I had a china-straight weave going down my back. No one asked me why, when I dyed my hair “honey blonde”.   Not one person asked me why when I had blonde streaks.  Not a one!  So based on my experience as long as I’m doing something unnatural it’s OK….. No explanation needed.  But as soon as I “revert” back to something entirely natural, I need to justify that decision.  I need a reason to NOT chemically alter my appearance.  Is this odd to anyone else?

So having put (too much) time into thinking about this why question here it goes….

1.       40 is a bitch and it does not like my hair being relaxed.  My once soft, flowing hair is now tough and unwieldy even after a relaxer.  It simply will not do what it always did, it never looks good to me and it was getting on my nerves

2.       After over 30 years of processing I think my brain needs a bit of a rest for soaking up sodium hydroxide, ammonium thioglycolate and ammonium sulfate just to name a few of the chemicals that have been leaching into my brain.

3.       I’ve always admired and loved the look of natural hair on black women and frankly have not had the nerve to do it myself.  That said I’m 40ish and if not now….when?

4.       Natural hair is far more accepted these days than it’s ever been (note #3) and there is a TON of information, products and supportive woman to help you along the journey!

5.       Lastly, I’m ready for something new.  I want to look like the person I envision myself to be.  The person I envision MYSELF to be and she not only has natural hair (dreds) but she also is fit and strong and sexy and smart and and and

So there you go…. That’s why.

It’s not some antiestablishment, pseudo political fight the powers that be, statement of the beauty and worth of black woman everywhere. 

It’s me doing what I always wanted to do but didn’t have enough nerve or frankly self-esteem to do when I was younger and I get to save a few brain cells to boot!!

Any other questions?

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Eddie and Vanessa Long Saga (well how I see it anyway)

The off again on again marraige of Bishop Eddie and his wife have some confused.  Not me this is how I figured it went down!

(I kept telling that fool that if he didn’t pay me off like he did those boys I was going to file for divorce.  I told him and I told him.  He thought I was playing.) - Vanessa thinking last night

Assistant – “Uh….Bishop Long?”

BL – yes

Assist – “have you see the news this morning?”

BL –uhhhh No, Why?  Please don’t tell me another one of my…uhmm no I mean THOSE boys have shown up?!

Assist – Well no sir, it’s not that… You might want to read it for yourself (hands newspaper)

BL - #$%^&^  *(&^%!, %^&^$&*  Get Vanessa on the phone!!! ^&*%$

Vanessa – Hello

BL  - don’t hello me!!  What the hell Vanessa?

Van  - Look I told your janky ass to give me my money… but NOOOO you want to KEEP playing me for a fool.  I guess we’ll see who “your” people believe this time.  I aint no little hood rat Eddie.  You really need to get your mind right about this and NOW

BL - %^&$# my mother told me not to marry your &*^%$ ass!

Van – Why did she know you liked little boys too?  Was it JUST me that didn’t know, huh Eddie? Please don’t tell me Mama Long did me dirty too?!! Whatever…..Again I’m thinking you might want to reconsider my very generous offer

BL - $%#@!*&

Van – Oh I got your ^%$#@* right here!!  I’m just saying, how long do you think it will be before Oprah calls me for an interview?  I love that Larry King… you think he’ll call?

BL – Fine &^*^%$!

Van – Fine what? Fine what Eddie?

BL – Whatever!  It’s yours

Van – What’s mine Eddie? I need to hear you say it!

BL – the house, the car, the money it’s YOURS!!! You happy now? Huh %$&&*! Don’t matter………… I’ll make it again and again and AGAIN!  ^%$#@(!

Van – Glad we had this little chat Eddie.  Keep checking the news this afternoon

BL -  humph

Van – And Eddie – don’t keep testing me, This was your third strike

BL – what are you talking about 3rd strike

Van – 1st strike was that hair piece, 2nd strike was those boys, continuing to test my patience that’s the 3rd.  Please don’t make me out you (all puns intended) Like I said keep watching the news - CLICK