Monday, September 9, 2013

Church Bulletin

Went to church on Sunday and completely forgot that my anniversary would be printed in the bulletin! UGH!  Epic fail!  I usually can plan around things like this.  So at least 20 people wished me a happy anniversary and my friends all wanted to know what we were doing.  So I smiled a lot…thanked a lot of very well-meaning people and tap danced around the plans question.  Not a good start to my Sunday….not at all.  Then went to dinner and the movies with mom both were fine. Got home and got busy around the house to keep myself occupied.  Feeling like shit today.   What should I do for my anniversary?  Right now the plan is to go to work like any other day…hope that works out for me…lol

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It’s a bad day, Not a bad life.

It’s a bad moment in a really fantastic life full of family, friends love.  Full of exciting things to accomplish and lofty goals to reach.  Full of people who love me and cool people still unmet.  Full of grace and mercy.  Full of ups and downs and lessons to be learned.  It’s a bad moment within a moment!  Everything is not bad… just this one part.  It’s one big part but still there is good.  Good friends who are “babysitting” me right now and good family that are smothering me in this moment.  Good job that I just KICKED butt in this moment.  Good God that is ever present in every moment.  It’s a bad part of one moment in my life and when I look back at it will seem like divine providence.  It will be the boulder I climbed that showed me how strong I really am.  It will be the lesson I needed to learn to get, be, do more.  It will be the bad part of a moment in a glorious life.

So today I say it is not always good…but it is ALL GOOD!! Romans 8:28