So let’s jump to today. Now I’m married (be a year in 15 days) and I’ve had a few dinner parties with other couples and I want to assure all my single friends that NOTHING all that exciting goes on. NOTHING! You are missing NOTHING extraordinary. There’s no freaky sex games. No random makeout sessions, not even any random acts of inappropriate touching… NOTHING more than people getting together and eating. Kind of… like girlz night only at this party you have someone else to pick up after….really not seeing that as a benefit.
That said there are a few benefits I see to these couples party’s. One, you get to spend time with your mate. Two at parties with other couples you don’t have to be perfect or happy all the damn time. You can actually roll your eyes at your husband and no one there thinks you are about to get divorced. No on in the room even cares if you walk in in a full blown argument, because they were just lucky enough to finish their fight before they got out of the car. You don’t wake up the next morning with calls from your girlfriends asking “how’s it going” because half the town is talking about how you and your husband are “doing bad” and don’t get along. Lastly, there seems to be far more reciprocity amongst the married/coupled than single (well at least with my circle). You invite a couple over for dinner you are going to get a reciprocal invite with the same quarter. So if you invite 4 couples over you could in theory fill up your dance (well eating) card for quite some time.
So to my single friends, I apologize in advance if you don’t get invited to something at my house and you hear about it later. I still love ya’ll, honest. But frankly, consider yourself lucky I’m sparing you the horror of listening to some couple bickering back and forth or worse one day being the odd man out in some random make-out session (I’ve decided to start these at my couple’s dinner parties).
See at the next Girlz Night!!