OK first let me say that I realize that like FB twitter is the land of make believe. Where everyone is a star, is important and special. NOT like the real world at all. All that said. I’ve fallen in love with twitter and tweeting. Damn thing is addicting. Where else can Mike Tyson make a comment and I get to consign it? Where else can I evangelize to llcoolj? Though he may be tired of me taking his “deep thoughts” and tracking them back to the biblical truth he is stealing it from….lol Today’s made me giggle a little because it was so obvious that I could not help myself to retweet with a little direction. (so if you don’t twitter I added the bolded part to his comment and added to his and my timeline). Seriously James Todd and E. Burke give credit where credit is due!!!
RT Proverbs 27:17 - God @llcoolj He that struggles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. E Burke
He’ll most likely block me at some point…lol. Anyway in addition to having “contact” and I use that word in the most light, obscure and ambiguous terms possible. It also gives me up to the minute information about my family and friends on twitter. There are few things to note about this constant contact with those you love and twitter overall
First, if your child is on twitter there is a good chance that you DO NOT want to follow them. If you ever thought you did a good job raising your children…follow them. You will quickly find out that they are not that good, special or well behaved!! You could take it personal and start believing you did an awful job parenting…. I on the other hand am choosing to read only the stuff that doesn’t anger, disappoint or worry me too much so I can keep deluding myself that I’ve done a good job!! You choose the route that works best for you.
Second, there is a certain level of immediacy when you choose to use twitter as a communication tool. Especially if you follow a lot of people - Your timeline is moving fast and it can be hard to keep up let alone reply, retweet and add colorful commentary. Btw…the commentary MUST be colorful, enlightening, witty, silly, crazy…it must me something!! Twitter is NOT for the boring or mundane and certainly not for the verbose!! This leads me to my third point.
Third, twitter has is on language!! I implore you learn it quickly otherwise you will not know what the heck is going on! Not only is twitter full of acronyms, all grammar rules are ignored. It’s tough trying to get your point across in 140 characters or less!! Imagine using up one of those precious spots with an ‘ or ,. Punctuation is not important, spelling is not important…it’s the IDEA, the INTENT, the JIST that is important on twitter!! So welcome to the world where Twitter is a Second Language – soon there could be TSL classes given at community colleges all over the world!!
My last point for today is YOU TOO can be a star on twitter. YOU TOO can feel connected to the stars and celebrities of your choosing. YOU TOO can stalk your teenagers, college aged and grown children. If you are funny, smart, witty and have the time on your hands YOU TOO could gather a cult following of followers who will read, reply and retweet your comments around the world. Just think someone in China, Indiana or Africa could be reading your pithy retort about this weekend’s Kardashian wedding right now!!
Don’t wait become the star your mother always knew you would be…just don’t let her follow you!!
#co-sign! Love that your scripiturally challenging folks,especially LL!